Payment Methods
Wise: For a bank-to-bank transfer, Routing number: 121000358 Account number: 325098005611 Account type: Checking
Venmo: @ariel-giarretto
Stripe: (a small fee is added for credit cards)
Online Workshop, single module - Further Strategies for Healing Sexual Trauma and Sexuality $645 US, $925 CAD
Online segment as part of the 4 Part Series $590 US, $845 CAD
Pay $450 balance ($465 w/fees)
Any remaining balances can be paid HERE
*All of the above accept US$*
PayPal: (only if no other option) :, indicate “between friends “ only.
$100 US= € 91 Euros, $136CAD
$400 US = €362 Euros, $542CAD