Part 1 - Uncovering the Roots
*The US Series is full and no longer accepting new applications*
There is space in many of the European workshops. Part 2 and 4 may be taken online, click here for more details.
Uncovering the Roots of Sexuality Trauma
Presented by Ariel Giarretto
The Full Embodiment Model
Who are we at our core?
If we were to remove all of the social conditioning, the religious, racial and cultural messages forced on us, all of the generations of sexism, misogyny and shame, all the judgments and expectations of family and peers, and all the traumas we have experienced:
Who are we underneath all of it?
How would we inhabit our bodies in ways that reflect our true nature?
How would we express and receive affection, sensuality and sexuality… on our terms… in our most genuine and authentic way?
How to achieve ease and pleasure in our own bodies, identify biases, and recognise discomfort with sexuality so that we can all be a clear and effective support to clients
How do we uncover our desires and attractions, and identify what inhibits them? Are these real, or are these learned?
What is the best way to break old patterns in relationships and move towards healthy intimacy?
How do we heal specifically what is damaged by the above influences?
This first module is the foundation of the Full Embodiment (FE) practice.
Decades in its formation—FE combines the latest in somatic healing practices and trauma-informed sex education. Recognising the common dilemmas and challenges that practitioners face in their office, plus the countless ways people all over the world struggle with shame, disconnection to their bodies and sexuality, this program is especially designed for all people to find their way home to self, to pleasure and to greater intimacy..
It examines the developmental imprints and other formative influences that sabotage an easeful, shame-free relationship with ourselves as sexual/sensual beings.
We will slowly, and intentionally rebuild that which was scarred by generations of sexual oppression, abuse, misogyny and cultural and religious influences. Well-regulated clients, colleagues, friends and partners are invited to participate in this program.
Healing Strategies:
Participants will develop a personalized, self-paced embodiment practice
Time will be spent examining our relationship to sex and sexuality, and then developing new strategies and goals that more authentically express our true or ideal nature
We’ll uncover biases and triggers both professionally and personally. The intention is to find ease when discussing sex and pelvic anatomy with clients and intimates.
We’ll examine the messages we were given about gender and what it means to be male/female,..and learn to access and embody more authentic beliefs and desires, identities and expressions underneath the shame and conditioning.
The focus of this module is on self-exploration and personal enhancement, however it will provide numerous useful strategies for therapists working with sexuality and trauma.
There will be suggested readings, journaling, between module peer support and required group supervisions
The focus is solely on HEALING….We will NOT be working sexual trauma in any workshop….
Get comfortable talking about the body and discussing sexuality issues with your clients and intimates.
Become friendlier with your body, and inhabit it with new levels of comfort and awareness
Professionals wishing to become more adept at being embodied and sexually more authentic. Clients, partners and non-SE professionals are also welcome to join. But they must be well-regulated and ready to step into the material. We will not have the staff to support high maintenance individuals.
It is designed for anyone who desires a deep and lasting change. It supports therapists in working with sexuality trauma in their practices, however it is also appropriate for anyone interested in personal exploration. Clinicians, this is your chance to bring, or refer your friends, clients, colleagues and intimates.
We WILL NOT be working sexual trauma in any of the modules—the focus is on healing. Please only invite people who are regulated and low maintenance.
Current SE students needing credits toward SEP can earn 2 hours of faculty consultation units upon completing the module.
This workshop will cover how to:
- Find ease, confidence and connection with your whole body
- Examine the messages than many are given about gender, the body and sexuality, and begin to access and embody more authentic beliefs and desires, underneath the conditioning
- Explore and heal the hidden social psychological and developmental influences that shape shame poor body image and disconnection from self and others
- Get comfortable talking about the body and sexuality with your clients and intimates
- Establish a strong somatic container and develop honest “embodied consent” through boundaries and learning how to voice preferences
- Identifying the unconscious “brakes” that thwart pleasure and desire
- Learn new ways of finding peace, pleasure and safety after sexual abuse or assault
Format and Techniques:
• The workshop is a friendly mix of science and education, psychological and emotional inquiry, and gentle, respectful exercises designed to deepen contact with self.
• It will include mindfulness practices, self-reflection, small and large group sharing, lectures, essential research, videos and suggested readings.
Who can benefit:
• Therapists, coaches, social workers, bodyworkers, healthcare professionals, and anyone hoping to find more ease and pleasure in their bodies
Staybridge Suites 6600 Mannheim Road, Rosemont, IL. Staybridge Suites is giving us a special group rate so be sure to mention Full Embodiment. If there is a problem, call and ask. 847-380-5800
11am-6:00pm Friday March 14th CST
9:00am-5:00pm Saturday March 15th CST
9:00-4:00 Sunday March 16th CST
To reserve your space please send a deposit of $100 for each module you plan to attend. (Total is $400) This guarantees you a spot in all 4 modules. After the deposit, the total cost for the 4 modules is $1800. It is fine to pay for each module separately, spread out over 10 months if the full deposit is too much, but the balance must be paid a month in advance before the module start to get the discount. (I will send out reminders)
Individually, the cost of each workshop is $625 per module. If you pay in full a month before the module starts, the price drops to $575, or $475 after the deposit. The price is reduced further to $550 a module if you plan to attend all four—so $2,200 for the series, or $1800 after the $400 deposit. Payments plans are welcomed. There is a small additional fee if you pay by credit card or by PayPal to cover the fees.
Cancellation policy:
A full refund will be given if the training is canceled by us.
A full refund, minus a $100 administrative fee, will be issued for cancellations made no later than One Month before the start date.
Cancellations made after One month before the start date will be refunded 50% of the total tuition paid.
No refund will be issued for no‐shows or if registration is canceled after 4 days before any training start.