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CANCELLED-Milan, Italy---Opening to Desire--Beyond Trauma and Attachment--- presented by Kekuni Minton and Ariel Giarretto

A primary complaint around sex for most couples (and many individuals) is the death of sexual desire in the relationship.  In many cases the problem may be attributable to the need to work through both the developmental and traumatic beliefs that we have about our own sexuality.  These beliefs are in turn underpinned by a corresponding relationally-engendered pattern in the body that may “turn off” the machinery of desire toward our partner. 


In this workshop we will explore the psychology of desire, the obstacles to desire in the mind and body, and how to open to the healing power of sexual desire.



•               Implicit Bias: Understanding Our Prejudices Around Sexuality

•               Sexual Trauma versus Traumatized Sexuality

•               Early Attachment Injuries and Sexual Fantasy

•               Structural Dissociation and Fantasy

•               Boundaries and Sexuality

•               Tracking Sexuality: Dual-Mode Model

•               Shame: Stop Sign or Accelerator

•               Dissociation: “The Haunted Self”

•               Understanding Fantasy

•               Intimate Sex versus Erotic Distance

•               Embodied Sexuality: Opening to Desire

For more information about costs and how to register, contact Maria