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April 29-30:  Couples Engagement, Melbourne, Australia

  • Melbourne Australia (map)

Ariel Giarretto, LMFT, SEP presents a stand-alone 2-day workshop from her ‘Embodiment of Sexuality’ series that is designed to explore: “What happens in myself, my body and my being in relation to others?” Ariel utilises proven methods that solidify a connection to our core/authentic self, facilitate genuine self-love and secure a new and dynamic relationship with our bodies—especially essential as we face engagement with others!

“Until I sat in the field of Ariel’s workshop, I had no idea how big of a hole I had been experiencing around acknowledging of dimensions sexuality and relationship. Through many years of personal workshops and professional trainings in the realms of health and healing, recognition of sexuality was never worked with in an embodied way nor recognized beyond the trauma and dysfunction around it. Layers of messaging that my body took in early in life, that outwardly had nothing to do with sexuality but inwardly were metabolized as such, no longer feel separate and discordant but instead feel like an integrated whole finding its way to health….and Full Embodiment.” Jessica K

Workshop Content

Through a combination of lecture, discussion and a series of explorations you will come away from this weekend with a clearer understanding and acceptance of who you are in relationship and why.

  • Access the more subtle levels of relating that occur under conscious awareness.
  • Recognise what happens in your body energetically and physiologically when you get close to others and learn how to set boundaries, stay present and embodied.
  • Identify healthy and genuine desires and yearnings, and notice what gets in the way of opening to them.
  • Gain deeper clarity on what you like and want (along with what you don’t want) from encounters, and why.
  • With clarity comes the practice of asking for what you want and learning to receive.
  • As well as how to coach your intimates if they don’t succeed the first time… and the second.
  • Learn how attachment style plays into intimacy.
  • Learn how to be playful and explore the art of flirting and seduction.

All workshops presented within the Embodiment of Sexuality series may be taken as an individual workshop. ‘Couples Engagement’ may include some minimal review of the content of ‘Getting To the Core of Sexuality’.

If you require further information about the workshop content, you are welcome to email Ariel.

Workshop Format

The workshop employs a friendly mix of the latest research in sexuality via lectures and videos, along with psychological, physical and emotional exploration through gentle, respectful exercises and group discussions. 

  • To support the learning, the workshop includes mindfulness practices for self-experiential enquiry on a personal level. These exercises may be applied when working with clients and are designed for equal amounts of professional and personal development.
  • There will be opportunities for self reflection, journaling and personal sharing if desired.

All is deepened and gently processed through the body as the ultimate “experiencer.”

Who is this Workshop For?

The Embodied Sexuality series of workshops are designed for all those ready to transform their relationship to themselves and their bodies.

  • For therapists and other professionals who want to take their personal exploration in sexuality to the next level and learn how to better work with sexuality issues with their clients.
  • For individuals and couples who are actively sexual and wanting to enhance their pleasure and ability to be better lovers.
  • For those who may not be sexual and/or are struggling with sexual wounding, dissociation, body image, shame, gender identity, low libido or sexual dysfunction, as well as survivors of invasive medical procedures or traumatic birth experiences.
  • This program is open to individuals, couples, those who chose not to date or be sexual and singles desiring to do relationship differently.

All genders, all identities and all sexual orientations are welcome, as well as all ages and body types.

The workshop involves no nudity, and no sexual contact. There may be moments of optional exchange of safe consensual touch with another as well as self-touch.

Professional Development Hours

A Certificate of Attendance is provided for 18 hours of professional development. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements vary across Professional Associations. Please contact your Association for specific requirements.


Saturday 29 - Sunday 30, April 2017
Time: 9:30am-5:30pm
Cost: Early Bird Rate - $550 (if paid in full by 18 March 2017)
Standard Fee - $620
Included: Morning and Afternoon Tea
Location: St. Joseph's Hall, Port Melbourne