Bring ENHANCED vitality and aliveness to your sexuality and relationship to your body
Open to somatic professionals as well as clients, friends, partners and colleagues
Join Ariel Giarretto, LMFT, Somatic Sex Educator and Trauma Specialist for three powerful, deeply experiential, yet gentle days.
This workshop is designed for anyone wanting to find more ease, comfort, as well as passion and pleasure in their bodies and their sensuality.
Through a variety of mindfulness and embodiment practices, backed by the latest research on sexuality, the exploration is on "who am I underneath everything I have ever been told about my body, my gender, and my sexuality? If I were to move aside all the cultural, religious, social and familial influences, what is my most genuine relationship to myself and my sensuality that I long to (deserve to) have?" “If I have endured sexual abuse or assault, how do I begin to reclaim my body as my own, on my terms?”
We'll examine key developmental stages that shape shame, disembodiment and disconnection from self and others. We'll explore how these messages interrupt our connection to our bodies’ amazing capacity to experience pleasure, and then engage in a series of practices that actively clear shame, heal sexual wounds and shift unconscious patterns and outmoded beliefs.
We’ll also learn and practice skills for identifying clear boundaries, “embodied consent” —creating the necessary foundation for establishing a felt sense of safety, clarity and empowerment.
By feeling more comfortable and safe in our own skin, we naturally begin to access enhanced and unmuted body awareness, and directly experience how our sexuality becomes freer and more ecstatic.
The goal is to access and embody a more authentic sexual, sensual self that accurately reflects the essence of who we are. Finally, we’ll establish a clear vision and path forward for how to ground and integrate this enhanced awareness and capacity in our everyday lives, habits and relationships.
The workshop will include valuable tools to help professionals in working with clients with histories of disembodiment, sexual abuse or trauma
CEU’s are available to purchase through R Cassisy Seminars
Simple but nice lodging is available on the Highland property near the workshop space. We will have delicious and healthy lunches ($15) catered during the day, (very flexible with dietary requests) and there are a number of very good restaurants nearby for breakfast or dinner. Please ask me about lodging, and I will arrange it for you.
Ariel Giarretto, MS, LMFT, is devoted to helping couples and individuals become more at ease in their bodies, as well as discovering what is their most authentic relationship to their gender, their sensuality and their sexuality. She is a long-term body-oriented psychotherapist, trauma specialist, and certified Sexological Bodyworker and Somatic Sex Educator. She is the co-developer of “The Full Embodiment Model” which offers gentle, transformative workshops for people wanting to heal from the effects of sexuality/gender trauma, sexual abuse and disembodiment. Trained in a wide variety of somatic therapies, she is primarily informed by Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE), the beautiful, heart-centered work that treats the physiological effects of the trauma, as well as connects people to their deepest, core self. For 19 years she had been full-time SE teaching faculty, training and mentoring professionals all over the globe. Throughout the 90’s she was on staff at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, as a workshop and group leader, a private therapist and a member of the bodywork and massage crew. She has special training in pre and perinatal trauma with Ray Castellino, as well as attachment and early developmental trauma, and has been a home birth advocate, and a "doula”. She is based in Oakland, CA
CEU’s available for purchase
Before February 1, 2019: $450.00
Discounts for couples—$400 each if paid by check or PayPal before Feb 1
After February 1, 2019: $500
Couple discount—$425 each after Feb 1st
By check: send to Ariel Giarretto 6525 Chelton Dr Oakland, CA 94611
By paypal: "send between friends and family"
WORKSHOP IS FULL—email me to be added