The program is aimed at increasing awareness, aliveness and pleasure in our whole bodies. It looks at developmental imprints and other formative influences that interrupt a clear, stress-free relationship with ourselves as fully embodied sexual/sensual beings. It offers transformative experiential practices for all levels of interest—for self-exploration and personal enhancement, healing sexual abuse, as well as providing useful strategies for therapists working with sexuality and trauma. It is open to anyone desiring to learn more about sexuality from a somatic/social/cultural, psychological or physiological perspective.
This workshop will cover how to
Have more ease, confidence and connection with our whole bodies
Establish a strong somatic container and develop honest “embodied consent” through boundaries
Understand our response to sexual arousal through the “Dual Mode” brake/accelerator model that supports us in identifying the unconscious “brakes” that thwart pleasure and desire
Learn new ways of finding peace, pleasure and safety after sexual abuse or assault
Examine the messages than many are given about gender, the body and sexuality, and begin to access and embody more authentic beliefs and desires, underneath the conditioning
Format and Techniques
The workshop is a friendly mix of science and education, psychological and emotional inquiry, and gentle, respectful exercises designed to deepen contact with self.
It will include mindfulness practices, self-reflection, small and large group sharing, lectures, videos and suggested readings.
Who can benefit
Therapists, coaches, social workers, bodyworkers, healthcare professionals and anyone working with sexual trauma, dissociation, body image, gender identity, and sexual dysfunction will benefit.
Individuals wanting to improve their intimate relationships, learn more about their bodies and their sexuality, as well as people who have survived sexual trauma or gender discrimination.
Individuals ready to transform their relationship to themselves and their bodies
People who were raised with negative attitudes or condemning messages concerning their gender, sex and the body
Men, LGBTIQ, gender fluid, and all sexual orientations are celebrated and welcomed.
11-13 October, 2019
Stockholm, Sweden
Getting to the Core of Sexuality Trauma
BodySense, Lindhagensgatan 53,
Entrance through the Holmiapark
at the back of the house.
Directions at:
Somatic Experiencing Association, Sweden
Deadline for registration
September 9th 2019
Please register at
For further information:
Helena Kahn at
Registration fee:
Payment deadline September 10th 2019
3.800 kronor, SEK for members of SE Associations
4.900 kronor, SEK for non-members
Do you want to bring your partner?
The fee for both of you: 6.100 kronor, SEK
Payment to the Swedish SE Association:
Account nr 194-1095, Danske Bank
IBAN 311200000012350325555
Please note:
If you cancel later than September 26th
only 50 % of your fee will be reimbursed
About Ariel
Ariel Giarretto, LMFT, SEP, CMT Ariel Giarretto, MS, LMFT, is devoted to helping couples and individuals become more at ease in their bodies, as well as discovering what is their most authentic relationship to their gender, their sensuality and their sexuality. She is a long-term body-oriented psychotherapist, trauma specialist, and Somatic Sex Educator. She is the co-developer of “The Full Embodiment Model” which offers gentle, transformative workshops for people wanting to heal from the effects of sexuality/gender trauma, sexual abuse and disembodiment. Trained in a wide variety of somatic therapies, she is primarily informed by Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE), the beautiful, heart-centered work that treats the physiological effects of the trauma, as well as connects people to their deepest, core self. For 19 years she had been full-time SE teaching faculty, training and mentoring professionals all over the globe. Throughout the 90’s she was on staff at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, as a workshop and group leader, a private therapist and a member of the bodywork and massage crew. She has special training in pre and perinatal trauma with Ray Castellino, as well as attachment and early developmental trauma, and has been a home birth advocate, and a "doula”. She is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.